
Demos: Anonymization of Personal/Protected Health Information

Personal/Protected Health Information De-identification

How we do it

This online demo allows you to test the basic model available at Konplik for de-identification of medical records in English. This technology can be used to anonymize your EHRs or, typically, any medical report. It is a deep learning-based model that we have built using the BioClinicalBERT pre-trained model and then fine-tuned for the sequence labeling task. The training carried out was based on collections of medical records.

Please, take a look at our demo, conduct your tests and, of course, we will be more than happy to receive any feedback you may have.

NOTE: As we use a deep learning-based model, the accuracy of the results depends on the type of data you use as input. This model can be fine-tuned for your purposes if you detect errors in your input data.

Sample text

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